Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finally something bad happened...

I recently experienced my first major complication from surgery.

On Wednesday around noon, I began experiencing excruciating pain in my abdomen. Since the pain was in the site of a major surgery, I was extremely concerned for my health. I went to the ER at MCH where, after waiting for almost three hours, I was told I had "gastrointeritis". Albeit, the ER doctor did no major investigation of my pain; he simply poked my stomach a few times. I was given a disgusting drink that numbed my whole mouth and coated my stomach. The pain was somewhat reduced, but it did not disappear entirely. I was sent home.

The next morning, on my way to Tulsa for a follow-up with my surgeon, the pain came back only worse. Dr. Gorospe listened to me describe the pain and told me that I probably had an internal hernia, which is a relatively common complication of gastric bypass. I'll explain.

When Dr. G was sewing the incisions closed, he was sewing into fat tissue. Well, I've lost almost 70 pounds.....that fat tissue was disappearing. The sutures slowly opened. My small intestine became tangled in the sutures, causing me to vomit when I ate and caused me extreme pain.

I had surgery to fix the hernia on Tuesday of this past week. I also had some scar tissue removed, which could have added to the pain. Once again, MCH treated me amazingly.

I'm feeling quite sore and weak. I'm getting stronger everyday, but it'll be a little while before I'll be back to normal.


For our friends in California: PLEASE VOTE YES on PROP 19!!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

......insert title here.

It's been awhile....been busy with school. Down 60 lbs so far.

I finally starting to see the changes that everyone else is seeing. My cloths that used to be snug are not falling off. I never thought it would be just as frustrating to have clothes that don't fit because they're too big!

Nothing exciting happening. Peace!