Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Miley Cyrus did WHAT?!?!?!

Saw a video on the news of Miley Cyrus smoking out of a bong. Had a good laugh. I almost regret putting that as my title....honestly, I don't give a monkey's about that skankasaurus.

Anyway, 85 lbs down. Size 12, close to a 10. Still look in the mirror and see the old me for some reason. I occasionally have moments where I do something and I say, "Wow....couldn't do THAT before...."

Protein is still a problem, but apparently it is for all patients. Hair is doing much much better. Considering getting a boob job at some point. Don't necessarily NEED one, but I'd like one. I just wanna feel sexy and curvy.

I finished the semester swimmingly. Three As and a B. Best semester yet. I'm now back at home for break. Also back at work. I sell lotion to cranky old ladies. It has its moments, lol.

Have my (hopefully) last sleep study tomorrow night. I hope to Invisible Sky Daddy that I don't have to have that stupid CPAP machine anymore.....I haven't used it in a month and a half anyway...

Things are picking up....and I'm very hopeful. I want to graduate so badly.

I worked today so I'm exhausted and my feet are bitchin' at me so peace.

"I would believe only in a god who could dance."
-from Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche.
